It’s a fact: Your skin will only ever be as healthy as your skincare routine. The first step to reaching your beauty goals it to understand what your unique skin type needs. Think you’re dealing with Oily and Normal skin? Read our introductory guide to the six fundamental skin types to confirm whether that’s the case.
To recap, Oily skin means your skin is producing (if not over-producing) quite a bit of oil. If not cared for properly, this oil can clog your pores, leading to breakouts or greasy skin. Normal skin means you’re not particularly prone to inflammation – provided you’re using the right products – but you can become red, inflamed and irritated if using the wrong regimen.
Still not sure if this skin type sounds like yours? Take our Skin Typing quiz to find out!
How do I know if I have Oily and Normal skin?
You probably have Dry and Normal skin if:
- About an hour after you wash your face, but before you put on any products, you skin feels normal or oily – not flaky or tight.
- Your face is frequently shiny in pictures, but usually not red.
- You may have many visible pores.
- You have occasional acne, but do not struggle with it very often.
- Trying new products doesn’t worry you – you rarely get red, itchy or inflamed.
- You have a few broken capillaries in your skin.
- You sometimes have rashes or hives on your skin.
What can I do to take care of my Oily and Normal skin?
The key to mastering this skin type is to take advantage of your Normal skin’s resilience. Using mid-strength medical grade products and treatments will help keep acne at bay and make it easier for you to get that coveted, youthful glow.
How can I treat my Oily and Normal skin at home?
Virtually any type of oily skin has some acne issues, but controlling it is relatively easy with proper home care.
Your skincare regimen should include a light moisturizer, medium-strength exfoliating treatments (usually with glycolic acid), and Retinols and Vitamin C.
Do NOT leave out your Retinol! Retinols and Retin-A are the backbone of esthetic dermatology for a range of reasons, including anti-aging and acne prevention. In fact, Retinols are the only molecule family approved by the FDA to reverse the aging in the skin. You’ll want to opt for a medium-intensity Retinol to avoid irritating your skin. It will absolutely get you the same results as a full-strength Retinol over time, so don’t feel the need to push things.
Ready to banish acne for good while maintaining a youthful glow? Visit our Oily and Normal products page to find the perfect medical grade skincare products for your unique type.
What medical grade spa treatments are right for my Oily and Normal skin?
Oily and Normal skin can withstand more aggressive skincare treatments. In fact, it will respond better than most other skin types. Try a Genesis collagen-building laser or microneedling treatments for beautiful reductions in fine lines and wrinkles. If you’re looking at peels, you’ll want to stick to light or medium peels only, leaving the more intense ones for other skin types. IPL laser treatments are suitable if you need to treat pigmentation problems.
Treatment Plan for Oily and Normal Skin
To wrap things up, here’s everything you need to know when treating your Oily and Normal skin:
- Prevent acne with medium-strength glycolic acid exfoliation and a lightweight moisturizer
- Use Retinols to keep acne away and reverse you skin’s aging
- Try medium-aggressive Medical Grade spa treatments to refresh and regenerate your skin