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What Are Lip Fillers?

Lip fillers, also known as lip injections or dermal fillers, are non-surgical cosmetic treatments designed to enhance and rejuvenate the appearance of the lips. These fillers are typically composed of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the skin, which helps hydrate and add volume. By carefully injecting these fillers into specific areas of the lips, we can restore lost volume, define lip contours, and minimize the appearance of fine lines, resulting in fuller, more youthful-looking lips. Take the plunge and experience the youthful feeling of lip fillers in Boulder for yourself. 

How The Passage Of Time Affects Your Lips

Losing Lip Volume
Over Time

As we age, our lips undergo several changes that can affect their appearance and structure. One of the most noticeable transformations is the loss of lip volume. Over the years, lips lose their plumpness and body, resulting in a thinner appearance. This can be particularly evident when comparing the lips of elderly individuals to those of teenagers.

The Disappearance of
Philtral Columns

Another significant change is the gradual disappearance of philtral columns, the parallel lines of tissue between the nose and upper lip. These columns give the upper lip a "Cupid's Bow" appearance. Typically, this breakdown of tissue happens in a person's 30s or 40s, causing the upper lip to lose its distinctive curve and become flatter across the top.

The Appearance of
Smokers' Lines

Aging lips are also susceptible to developing "smokers' lines” — this can happen to smokers and non-smokers alike. These horizontal lines appear around the outer edges of the lips and are similar to the wrinkles seen on a deflating balloon. These lines result from the loss of volume within the lips and the breakdown of supporting tissue around the upper lip. Lip fillers in Boulder will re-plump your lips. 

The Appearance of
Marionette Lines

As we age, it's not just the lips that change but the surrounding areas as well. Loss of volume, particularly in the horizontal lines below the outer edge of the lower lip, contributes to the development of "marionette lines." These lines make the corners of the mouth droop, which can lend a somewhat downcast appearance, making it seem like you’re constantly upset.

Lip fillers, or lip injections, can address these common age-related changes, restoring volume, defining lip contours, and reducing the appearance of fine lines.

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Patient receiving lip fillers in Boulder.

How We Correct Aging Lips

Restoring Volume and Contour

Lip fillers replenish lost volume and restore the natural contours of the lips. This involves injecting the chosen filler into the middle of the lip, specifically between the "wet-dry border" (the transition from moist to dry lip tissue) and the "vermillion border" (where the red of the lip meets the regular skin). It's crucial to strike the right balance, as over-filling can result in an unnatural, "duck-ish" look. Our practitioners create natural contours to complement your features.

Rebuilding Philtral Columns for Definition

Lip fillers in Boulder can recreate the philtral columns, i.e., the structural lines between the nose and upper lip, as another key aspect of lip correction. These columns provide the upper lip with its defining "M" shape, known as the "Cupid's Bow." As they naturally diminish with age, their reconstruction using filler helps reestablish the upper lip's appealing curvature and adds definition. We strategically inject lip fillers along the borders to recreate "Cupid's Bow".

Addressing Smokers' Lines and Marionette Lines

Smokers' lines (the vertical wrinkles around the lips) are treated by injecting lip fillers along the vermillion border, just beneath the lines. This technique fills in the skin under the lines, resulting in a smoother appearance. Finally, to correct marionette lines, the filler is injected just below the corners of the mouth. In some cases, we can also use injectables like Sculptra to correct a sagging jawline and improve overall facial contours.

The Golden Rule: Less Is More

When it comes to lip fillers in Boulder, the key principle is subtlety. Many individuals opt for excessive volume enhancement, often leading to an overfilled, pillowy appearance. We use less filler to produce more natural results. Typically, one syringe of filler or less is sufficient to enhance your lips while maintaining a refined look.


Are lip fillers painful?

How long does a lip filler treatment take?

Do I need to get lip fillers regularly?

Will my lip filler results be obvious?

What are lip fillers made of?

How soon will I see results, and what's the downtime like?

Are there any potential side effects?

What should I do before a filler treatment?

What should I do immediately after lip filler treatment?

Is it safe to get lip fillers if I have allergies or skin conditions?

Are lip fillers painful?

While lip filler injections may cause some discomfort, most products include lidocaine, a painkiller, to ease discomfort during and after the procedure. Topical numbing creams or ice can also be applied before treatment to minimize pain, especially since the lips are sensitive.

How long does a lip filler treatment take?

A typical lip filler session takes around 15 to 30 minutes. If you opt for topical numbing, allow an extra 30 to 60 minutes for the numbing agent to start working.

Do I need to get lip fillers regularly?

Lip fillers are temporary, lasting anywhere from six months to two years, depending on the product and area injected. You don’t have to get fillers indefinitely, but if you want to maintain your youthful, plump look, you will need regular lip fillers.

Will my lip filler results be obvious?

Professionally administered lip fillers in Boulder will produce natural-looking results. Overfilled or unnatural results are usually due to excessive filler placement or poorly trained injectors. Our skilled practitioners offer the utmost precision with fillers to ensure subtle enhancement.

What are lip fillers made of?

Most lip fillers comprise hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the skin that helps hydrate and add volume. Hyaluronic acid fillers are safe and reversible, and after a few months, your body successfully metabolizes the product.

How soon will I see results, and what's the downtime like?

Results are immediate but expect some redness and swelling, especially in the first 24-48 hours. Avoid major social events and strenuous workouts for about 72 hours, but daily activities can be resumed immediately.

Are there any potential side effects?

Common side effects include mild and temporary bruising, redness, swelling, lumps/bumps, and tenderness. Serious complications like infection or damage to blood vessels or nerves are exceptionally rare.

What should I do before a filler treatment?

Avoid aspirin or ibuprofen before your appointment, as these can increase bleeding and bruising. Your practitioner will provide specific pre-treatment instructions.

What should I do immediately after lip filler treatment?

After your lip filler in Boulder, avoid vigorous exercise for a day. Furthermore, avoid spicy foods and alcohol for 24 hours due to lip tenderness.

Is it safe to get lip fillers if I have allergies or skin conditions?

Lip fillers are generally safe for individuals with allergies or skin conditions, but please discuss your medical history and any concerns with your injector. They can determine if you're a suitable candidate and recommend the best approach for your specific needs.

Reverse Aging & Restore Volume At RESTOR

Defy the effects of age-related volume loss with lip fillers at RESTOR. Our expert injectors specialize in reversing the signs of aging, restoring lost volume, and enhancing your lips' natural beauty. Schedule a consultation for lip fillers in Boulder to discover how we can help you achieve the youthful, vibrant lips you desire.

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